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C. Xue, H. Bai, P.F. Tao, J.W.Wang, N. Jiang, S.L. Wang, Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of flake graphite/Al composite with a SiC nano-layer on graphite surface, Materials Design, 2016(108)250-258
Chen Wang, Hua Bai, Chen Xue, Xingsheng Tong, Yingbin Zhu, Nan Jiang, On the influence of carbide coating on the thermal conductivity and flexural strength of X (X=SiC, TiC) coated graphite/Al composites,RSC Advances, 2016(6)107483-107490
X. M. Li, T. T. Yang, Y. Yang, J. Zhu, L. Li, F. E. Alam, K. L. Wang, H. Y. Chen, C. T. Lin, Y. Fang, H. W. Zhu, Large-area ultrathin graphene films by single-step Marangoni self-assembly for highly sensitive strain sensing application, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016(26)1322-1329
Zhiduo Liu, Dianyu Shen, Jinhong Yu, Wen Dai, Chaoyang Li, Shiyu Du, Nan Jiang, Hairong Li, Cheng-Te Lin, Exceptionally high thermal and electrical conductivity of three dimensional graphene foam based polymer composites, RSC Advances, 2016(6)22364-22369
Jinrui Gong, Zhiduo Liu, Jinhong Yu, Dan Dai, Wen Dai, Shiyu Du, Chaoyang Li, Nan Jiang, Zhaolin Zhan, Cheng-Te Lin,Graphene woven fabric-reinforced polyimide films with enhanced and anisotropic thermal conductivity, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2016(87)290-296
Yong Cao, Minjie Liang, Zhiduo Liu, Yuming Wu, Xiaoli Xiong, Chaoyang Li, Xingming Wang, Nan Jiang, Jinhong Yu, Cheng-Te Lin, Enhanced Thermal Conductivity for Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Composites with Nano-carbon Fillers, RSC Advances, 2016(6)68357- 68362
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Tao Wu, Zhiduo Liu, Guoxin Chen, Dan Dai, Hongyan Sun, Wen Dai, Nan Jiang, Ye Hua Jiang, Cheng-Te Lin, A study of the growth-time effect on graphene layer number based on a Cu-Ni bilayer catalyst system, RCS Advances, 2016(6)23956-23960
Li Li, Xingming Li, Mingde Du, Yichuan Guo, Yuanchang Li, Yao Yang, Fakhr E. Alam, Cheng-Te Lin, Ying Fang, Solid-phase Coalescence of Electrochemically Exfoliated Graphene Flakes into a Continuous Film on Copper, Chemistry of Materials, 2016(28)3360-3366
Moradi Masoumeh, Song, Zhenlun, Nie, Xia, Yan, Minsheng, Hu, Fang Qin , Investigation of bacterial attachment and biofilm formation of two different Pseudoalteromonas species: Comparison of different methods, International Journal of adhesion and adhesives, 2016(65)70-78
Fangfang Ge, Xiaojun Zhou, Fanping Meng, Qunji Xue, Feng Huang,Tribological behavior of VC/Ni multilayer coatings prepared by non-reactive magnetron sputtering, Tribology International, 2016( 99)140-150
Fangfang Ge, Ping Zhu, Fanping Meng, Feng Huang, Enhancing the wear resistance of magnetron sputtered VN coating by Si addition, Wear, 2016(354-355)32-40
Fangfang Ge, Chunli Chen, Rui Shu, Fanping Meng, Peng Li, Feng Huang, Hard and wear resistant VB2 coatings deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering, acuum,2016(135)66-72
Xiowei Li, Lili Sun, Peng Guo, Peiling Ke, Aiying Wang, Structure and residual stress evolution of Ti/Al, Cr/Al or W/Al co-doped amorphous carbon nanocomposite films: Insights from ab initio calculations, Materials and Design,2016(89)1123-1129
Liqi Zhou, Guofu Xu, Xu Li, Xinwei Wang, Linlin Ren, Aiying Wang,Stress measurement at the interface between a Si substrate and diamond-like carbon/Cr/W films by the electronic backscatter diffraction method, Applied Physics Express, 2016(9)025504
Zhenyu Wang, Xiaowei Li, Jie Zhou, Pei Liu, Qing Huang, Peiling Ke, Aiying Wang, Microstructure evolution of V-Al-C coatings synthesized from a V2AlC compound target after vacuum annealing treatment,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016(661)476-482
Xiaowei Li, Ding Zhang, Kwang-Ryeol Lee, Aiying Wang, Effect of metal doping on structural characteristics of amorphous carbon system: A first-principles study,Thin Solid Films, 2016(607)67-72
Lili Sun, Peng Guo, Peiling Ke, Xiowei Li, Aiying Wang, Synergistic effect of Cu/Cr co-doping on the wettability and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films, Diamond and Related Materials, 2016(68)1-9
Zhenyu Wang, Xiaowei Li, Xing Wang, Sheng Cai, Peiling Ke, Aiying Wang, Hard yet tough V-Al-C-N nanocomposite coatings: Microstructure,mechanical and tibological properties, Surface & coatings Technology,2016(304)553-559
Wei Dai, Jingmao Liu, Dongseng Gen, Peng Guo, Jun Zhen, Qimimg Wang, Microstructure and property of diamond-like carbon films with Al and Cr co-doping deposited using a hybrid beams system, Applied surface Science, 2016(388)503-509
Leila Abdoli, Jing Huang, Hua Li, Electrochemical corrosion behaviors of aluminum-based marine coatings in the presence of Escherichia coli bacterial biofilm, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016(173)62-69
Yi Liu, Yuyue Wang, Xinkun Suo, Yongfeng Gong, Chang-jiu Li, Hua Li, Impact-induced bonding and boundary amorphization of TiN ceramic particles during room temperature vacuum cold spray deposition, Ceramics International, 2016(42)1640-1647
Yi Liu, Jing Huang, Mitsuo Niinomi, Hua Li,Inhibited grain growth in hydroxyapatite-graphene nanocomposites during high temperature treatment and their enhanced mechanical properties, Ceramics International, 2016(42)11248-11255
Leila Abdoli, Xinkun Suo, Hua Li, Distinctive colonization of Bacillus sp. bacteria and the influence of the Bacterial biofilm on electrochemical behaviors of aluminum coatings, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016(145)688-694
Xiaoyan He, Jinpeng Wang, Leila Abdoli, Hua Li, Mg2+/Ca2+ promotes the adhesion of marine bacteria and algae and enhances following biofilm formation in artificial seawater, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016(146)289-295
Xiuyong Chen, Yongfeng Gong, Deyan Li, Hua Li, Robust and easy-repairable superhydrophobic surfaces with multiple length-scale topography constructed by thermal spray route, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2016(492)19-25
Yi Liu, Peng Guo, Xiaoyan He, Lei Li, Aiying Wang, Hua Li, Developing transparent copper-doped diamond-like carbon films for marine antifouling applications, Diamond & Related Materials, 2016(69)144-151
Xiuyong Chen, Xiaoyan He, Xinkun Suo, Jing Huang, Yongfeng Gong, Yi Liu, Hua Li, Effect of surface topological structure and chemical modification of flame sprayed aluminum coatings on the colonization of Cylindrotheca closterium on their surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 2016(388)385-391
Xiaoyan He, Yi Liu, Yongfeng Gong, Chengxu Zhou, Hua Li, Autoclaving-induced in-situ grown alumina on arc-sprayed aluminum coatings: Multiscaled topography facilitates antifouling performances,Surface and Coatings Technology,2017(309)295-300
Xiaoyan He, Yi Liu, He Li, Hua Li, Single-stranded structure of alginate and its conformation evolvement after an interaction with calcium ions as revealed by electron microscopy,RSC Advances,2016(6)114779-114782
Di Lu, Lele Wen, Feng Nie, Lixin Xue, Synthesis and investigation of imidazolium functionalized poly(arylene ether sulfone)s as anion exchange membranes for all-vanadium redox flow batteries, RSC Advances, 2016(6) 6029-6037
Huyan Shi, Lixin Xue, Ailin Gao, Qingbo Zhou, Dual Layer Hollow Fiber PVDF Ultra-Filtration Membranes Containing Ag Nano-Particle Loaded Zeolite with Longer Term Anti-Bacterial Capacity in Salt Water, Water Science and Technology, 2016,73(9)2159-67
Ailin Gao, Yongqing Zhao, Qing Yang, Yinyi Fu, Lixin Xue,Facile preparation of patterned petal-like PLA surfaces with tunable water micro-droplet adhesion properties based on stereo-complex cocrystallization from non-solvent induced phase separation processes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016,4(31)11959-12342
Ailin Gao, Qing Yang, Lixin Xue, Poly (L-Lactic acid)/silk fibroin composite membranes with improved crystallinity and thermal stability from non-solvent induced phase separation processes involving hexafluoroisopropanol, Composites Science and Technology, 2016(136)28-46
Yiwei Wang, Qiu Han, Qingbo Zhou, Xudong Du, Lixin Xue, Molecular sieving effect of zeolites on the properties of PVA based composite membranes for total heat recovery in ventilation systems, RSC Advances, 2016(6)66767-66773
Di Lu, Lele Wen, Lixin Xue, Synthesis and characterization of novel 4-phenyl-pyridine unit based alkaline anion exchange membranes, RSC Advances, 2016(6)71431-71440
Qing Yang, Ailin Gao, Lixin Xue, “Butterfly Effect” from Finite Dope Chemical Composition Variations on the Water/Oil Separation Capabilities of Super Rough Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) Porous Membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017(524)197-204
Jiheng Ding, Hongran Zhao, Lin Gu, Shengpeo Su, Haibin Yu, A Novel Waterborne Epoxy Coating with Anticorrosion, Properties on Rusty Steel International, Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016(11)7066-7075
Jiheng Ding, Lin Gu, Haibin Yu, Epoxidation Modification of Renewable Lignin to Improve the Corrosion Performance of Epoxy Coating, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016(11)6256-6265
Lin Gu, Jiheng Ding, Shuan Liu, Haibin Yu, Incorporation of reactive corrosion inhibitor in waterborne acrylic polyurethane coatings and evaluation of its corrosion performance, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016,29(2)271-276
Lin Gu, Bin Cui, Qingyun Wu, Haibin Yu, Bio-based polyurethanes with shape memory behavior at body temperature: effect of different chain extenders, RSC Advances, 2016(6)17888-17895
Lin Gu, Jun Ma, Bin Chen, Shuan Liu, Haichao Zhao, Haibin Yu, Facile Preparation of Polyaniline Nanoparticles and Their Dispersion for Waterborne Anticorrosion Coatings, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016,11(2)1621-1631
Bin Cui, Qingyun Wu, Lin Gu, Liang Shen, Haibin Yu,High Performance Bio-based Polyurethane Elastomers: Effect of Different Soft and Hard Segments , Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2016,34(7),901-909
Jingfang Zhu, Bin Liu, Longyang Li, Zhixiang Zeng,Wenjie Zhao, Gang Wang, Xiaoyan Guan, Simple and Green Fabrication of a Superhydrophobic Surface by One-Step Immersion for Continuous Oil/Water Separation, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2016,120(28)5617-5623
Gang Wang, Zhixiang Zeng, Junjun Chen, Mengya Xu, Jingfang Zhu, Shuan Liu, Tianhui Ren, Qunji Xue, Ultra low water adhesive metal surface for enhanced corrosion protection, RSC Advances, 2016,6(47)40641-40649
Junjun Chen, Lin Zhang, Zhixiang Zeng, Gang Wang, Guangming Liu,Wenjie Zhao, Tianhui Ren, Qunji Xue, Facile fabrication of antifogging, antireflective, and self-cleaning transparent silica thin coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016(509)149-157
Lei Shan, Yongxin Wang, Yangrong Zhang, Qi Zhang, Qunji Xue,Tribocorrosion behaviors of PVD CrN coated stainless steel in seawater, Wear, 2016(362-363)97-104
Ruili Niu, Jinlong Li, YongxinWang, Jianmin Chen, Qunji Xue, Structure and tribological behavior of GLCH/nitride coupled coatings on Ti6Al4V by nitriding and magnetron sputtering, Diamond & Related Materials, 2016(64)70-79
Jinlong Li, Hongbo Li, Feng Huang, Self-forming barrier layer from CuMnTi alloy layer on SiO2 substrate, Thin Solid Films, 2016(615)135-138
Li Jinlong, Zhong Huasheng, Wang Yongxin, Dynamic tribochemical behavior of TiN/TiCN coated Ti6Al4V in artificial seawater, RSC Advances, 2016(6)105854-105861
Y.P.Wu, Y.Zhou, J.L.Li, H.D.Zhou, J.M.Chen, H.C.Zhao, A comparative study on wear behavior and mechanism of styrene butadiene rubber under dry and wet conditions, Wear, 2016(356-357)1-8
Chaoqun Dang, Jinlong Li, Yue Wang, Yitao Yang, Yongxin Wang, Jianmin Chen, Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of self-toughening TiSiN/Ag multilayer coatings on Ti6Al4V prepared by arc ion plating, Applied Surface Science, 2016(386)224-233
Liu Shuan, Zhao Xia, Zhao Haichao, Sun Huyuan, Chen Jianmin,Corrosion performance of zinc coated steel in seawater environment, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016,5(3)1-8
Shuan Liu, Lin Gu, Haichao Zhao Jianmin Chen, Haibin Yu, Corrosion Resistance of Graphene-reinforced Waterborne Epoxy Coatings, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2016,2(32)425-431
Daoyi Jiang, Zhixiong Liu, Jin Han, Xuedong Wu, A tough nanocomposite hydrogel for antifouling application with quaternized hyperbranched PEI nanoparticles crosslinking, RSC Advances, 2016(6)60530-60536
Daoyi Jiang, Zhixiong Liu, Xiaoyan He, Jin Han, Xuedong Wu, Polyacrylamide strengthened mixed-charge hydrogels and their applications in resistance to protein adsorption and algae attachment, RSC Advances, 2016(6)47349-47356
Shu Jiang, Zhixiong Liu, Daoyi Jiang, Honghua Cheng, Jin Han, Sheng Han, Graphene as a nanotemplating auxiliary on the polypyrrole pigment for anticorrosion coatings,High Performance Polymers, 2016,6(28)747-757
Jibin Pu, Junjun Wang, Dongqing He, Shanhong Wan, Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of super-thick diamond-like carbon films deposited on stainless steel in NaCl solution, Surface and interface analysis, 2016,48(6)360-367
Jibin Pu, Siming Ren, Zhibin Lu, Liping Wang, A feasible multilayer structure design for solid lubricant coatings in a lunar environment, RSC Advances, 2016(6)65504-65517
Dongqing He, Jibin Pu, Liping Wang, Guangan Zhang, Yongxin Wang, Qunji Xue, Investigation of Post-deposition Annealing Effects on Microstructure, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of WC/a-C Nanocomposite Coatings, Tribology Letters, 2016,63(14)1-14
Liping Wang, Longchen Cui, Zhibin Lu, Hui Zhou, Understanding the unusual friction behavior of hydrogen-free diamond-like carbon films in oxygen atmosphere by first-principles calculations, Carbon, 2016(100)556-563
XiaoyanGuan, YongxinWang , JiafanWang, QunjiXue, Adaptive capacities of chromium doped graphite-like carbon films in aggressive solutions with variable pH, Tribology International, 2016(36)307-316
Yuwei Ye, Chunting Wang, Hao Chen, Yongxin Wang, Jinlong Lia and Fuqiang Ma, An analysis of the tribological mechanism of GLC film in artificial seawater, RSC Advances, 2016(6)32922-32931
Chunting Wang, YuweiYe, XiaoyanGuan, JianminHua, YongxinWang, Jinlong Li, An analysis of tribological performance on Cr/GLC film coupling with Si3N4, SiC, WC, Al2O3 and ZrO2 in seawater,Tribology International, 2016(96)77-86
Lei Shan, Yang-rong Zhang, Yong-xin Wang, Jin-long Li, Xin Jiang, Jian-min Chen, Corrosion and wear behaviors of PVD CrN and CrSiN coatings in seawater, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2016(26)175-184
Yongxin Wang, Bin Wang, Jinlong Li, Fuqiang Ma, Qunji Xue, Tribological Dependence of the High-Performance Ferrous-Based Coating on Different Coating Counterparts in Engine Oil, Tribology Transactions, 2016(59)399-407
Yinghao Wu, Wenjie Zhao, Wurong Wang, Wenjie Sui, Fabricating binary anti-corrosion structures containing superhydrophobic surfaces and sturdy barrier layers for Al alloys, RSC advances, 2016(6)5100-5110
Mengting Mo, Wenjie Zhao, Zifei Chen, Eryong Liu, Qunji Xue,Corrosion inhibition of functional graphene reinforced polyurethane nanocomposite coatings with regular texture, RSC advances, 2016(6)7780-7790
Yinghao Wu, Wenjie Zhao, Wurong Wang, Yanyan Zhang, Qunji Xue, Novel structured anodic oxide films containing surface layers and porous sublayers showing excellent wear resistance performance, RSC advances, 2016(6)94074-94084
Wenjie Sui, Wenjie Zhao, Xin Zhang, Zhixiang Zeng, Xuedong Wu, Qunji Xue, Comparative anti-corrosion properties of alkylthiols SAMs and mercapto functional silica sol-gel coatings on copper surface in sodium chloride solution, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2016,80(2)567-578
Dan Liu, Wenjie Zhao, Shuan Liu, Qihong Cen, Qunji Xue, Comparative tribological and corrosion resistance properties of epoxy composite coatings reinforced with functionalized fullerene C60 and grapheme, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016(286)354-364
Daoyi Jiang, Yanyan Zhang, Fangmin Zhang, Zhixiong Liu, Jin Han, Xuedong Wu, Antimicrobial and antifouling nanocomposite hydrogels containing polythioether dendron: high-loading silver nanoparticles and controlled particle release, Colloid Polym Sci, 2016,294(12)2021-2028
Mingjun Cui, Jibin Pu, Guangan Zhang, Liping Wang, Qunji Xue, The corrosion behaviors of multilayer diamond-like carbon coatings: influence of deposition periods and corrosive medium, RSC Advances, 2016(6)28570-28578
Lei Zhang, Jincui Gu, Liping Song, Lu Chen, Youju Huang, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen, Underwater superoleophobic Carbon Nanotubes/Polystyrene@AuNPs Hierarchical Membrane for Flow-Through Catalytic Decomposition and Oil/Water Separation, J Mater. Chem. A, 2016(4)10810-10815
Jincui Gu, Peng Xiao, Lei Zhang, Wei Lu, Ganggang Zhang, Youju Huang, Jiawei Zhang, Tao Chen, Construction of Superhydrophilic and Under-water Superoleophobic Carbon-Based Membranes For Water Purification, RSC Advances, 2016(6)73399-73403
Wei Lu, Peng Xiao, Zhenzhong Liu, Jincui Gu, Jiawei Zhang, Youju Huang, Qing Huang, Tao Chen, Reaction driven self-assembled micellar nanoprobes for ratiometric fluorescence detection of CS2 with high selectivity and sensitivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016(8)20100-20109
He Xiao, Wei Lu, Xiaoxia Le, Chunxin Ma, Zhaowen Li, Jing Zheng, Jiawei Zhang, Youju Huang, Tao Chen, A multi-responsive hydrogel with triple shape memory effect based on reversible switche, Chem. Commun, 2016(52)13292-13295
Wei Lu, Peng Xiao, Jincui Gu, Jiawei Zhang, Youju Huang, Qing Huang, Tao Chen, Aggregation-induced emission of tetraphenylethylene-modified polyethyleneimine for highly selective CO2 detection,Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical,2016(228)551-556
Lei Zhang, Peng Xiao, Wei Lu, Jiawei Zhang, Jincui Gu, Youju Huang, Tao Chen, Macroscopic Ultrathin Film as Bio-inspired Interfacial Reactor for Fabricating 2D Janus CNTs/AuNPs Hybrid Nanosheets with Enhanced Catalysis Performance, Adv.Mater.Interfaces, 2016(3)1600170-1600176
Jiheng Ding, Shubin Shi, Haibin Yu, Study on Modification of Lignin as Dispersant of Aqueous Graphene Suspension and Corrosion Performance in Waterborne G/Epoxy Coating, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2016,3(9),101-112
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杨晴,傅寅翼,高爱林,薛立新,含油废水处理用分离材料研究进展,《高分子通报》,2016,9, 255-262
肖涛,Masoumeh Moradi, 宋振纶, 杨丽景,闫涛,侯利锋,新喀里多尼亚弧菌胞外聚合物对硫酸中Q235碳钢的缓蚀作用,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》, 2016,36(2)150-156
闫涛,宋振纶,Masoumeh Moradi,杨丽景,肖涛,侯利锋,新喀里多尼亚弧菌对Cu在人工海水中腐蚀行为的影响,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》,2016,36(2)157-164