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B. Wang, Z.Y. Zhang, K.K. Chang, J.F. Cui, A. Rosenkranz, J.H. Yu, C.T. Lin, G.X. Chen, K.T. Zang, J. Luo, N. Jiang, D.M. Guo, New deformation-induced nanostructure in silicon, Nano Letters, 2018(18)4611-4617.
X.X. Le,W. Lu,J.W. Zhang, T. Chen, Recent progress in biomimetic anisotropic hydrogel actuators, Advanced Science, 2018(18)01584.
S.M. Ren, M.J. Cui, W.S. Li, J.B. Pu, Q.J. Xue, L.P. Wang, N-doping of graphene: toward long- term corrosion protection of Cu, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(47)24136-24148.
H. Hou, W. Dai, Q.W. Yan, L. Lv, F.E. Alam, M.H. Yang, Y.G. Yao, X.L. Zeng, J.B. Xu, J.H. Yu, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, Graphene size-dependent modulation of graphene frameworks contributing to the superior thermal conductivity of epoxy composites,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018(6)12091-12097.
L. Zhang, X. Zha, G. Zhang, J. Gu, W. Zhang, Y. Huang, J. Zhang, T. Chen, Designing a reductive hybrid membrane to selectively capture noble metallic ions during oil/ water emulsion separation with further function enhancement, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(6)1320-1327.
T.T. Li, Q.L. Fang, X.F. Xi, Y.S. Chen, F. Liu, Ultra-robust carbon fibers for multi-media purification via solar-evaporation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019(7)586-593.
S.H. Zhou, Z. Xiong, F. Liu, H.B. Lin, J.Q. Wang, T.T. Li, H. Qiu, Q.L. Fang, Novel Janus membrane with unprecedented osmosis transport performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019(7)632-638.
J.D. Wu, Y.J. Ding, J.Q. Wang, T.T. Li, H.B. Lin, J.P. Wang, F. Liu, Facile fabrication of nanofiber-and micro/nanosphere-coordinated PVDF membrane with ultrahigh permeability of viscous water-in-oil emulsions, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018(6)7014-7020.
J. He, P. Xiao, J. Shi, Y. Liang, W. Lu, Y. Chen, W. Wang, P. Theato, S. Kuo, T. Chen, High performance humidity fluctuation sensor for wearable devices via a bioinspired atomic-precise tunable graphene polymer heterogeneous sensing junction, Chemistry of Materials, 2018,30(13) 4343-4354 .
X.W. Li, A.Y. Wang, K.R. Lee, Mechanism of contact pressure-induced friction at the amorphous carbon/alpha olefin interface, npj Computational Materials, 2018(53)1-9.
Q.L. Yuan, Y. Liu, C. Ye, H.Y. Sun, D. Dai, Q.P. Wei, G.S. Lai, T.Z. Wu, A.M. Yu, L. Fu, K. W.A. Chee, C.T. Lin, Highly stable and regenerative graphene–diamond hybrid electrochemical biosensor for fouling target dopamine detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018(111)117-123.
P.T.K. Loan, D.Q. Wu, C.N. Ye, X.Q. Li, V. T. Tra, Q.P. Wei, L. Fu, A.M. Yu, L.J. Li, C.T. Lin, Graphene-based hall effect biosensors with ultraclean surface for improved sensitivity of label-free DNA detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018(99)85-91.
L. Fu, Y.H. Zheng, P.C. Zhang, H.Y. Zhang, W.B. Zhuang, H.W. Zhang, A.W. Wang, W.T. Su, J.H. Yu, C.T. Lin, Enhanced electrochemical voltammetric fingerprints for plant taxonomic sensing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018(120)102-107.
J.H. Sun, Y.N. Zhang, Z.B. Lu, Q.Y. Li, Q.J. Xue, S.Y. Du, J.B. Pu, L.P. Wang, Superlubricity enabled by pressure-induced friction collapse, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018(9)2554-2559.
C.B. Liu, S.H. Qiu, P. Du, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wan, An ionic liquid–graphene oxide hybrid nanomaterial: synthesis and anticorrosive applications, Nanoscale, 2018(10)8115-8124.
X. Hou, M.J. Wang, L. Fu, Y.P. Chen, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, Z.W. Wang, J.H. Yu, Boron nitride nanosheet nanofluids for enhanced thermal conductivity, Nanoscale, 2018(10)13004-13010.
L. Li, L.L Liu, X.W. Li, P. Guo, P.L. Ke, A.Y. Wang, Enhanced tribocorrosion performance of Cr/GLC multilayered films for marine protective application, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018(10)13187-13198.
T.T. Li, F. Liu, S.F. Zhang, H.B. Lin, J.Q. Wang, C.Y. Tang, Janus polyvinylidene fluoride membrane with extremely opposite wetting surfaces via one single-step unidirectional segregation strategy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018(10)24947-24954.
X. Shi, Y.M. Ye, H. Wang, F. Liu, Z.J. Wang, Designing pH-responsive biodegradable polymer coatings for controlled drug release via vapor-based route,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018(10)38449-38458.
Z.C. Li, Y.X. Wang, X.Y. Cheng, Z.X. Zeng, J.L. Li, X. Lu, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Continuously growing ultrathick CrN coating to achieve high load bearing capacity and good tribological propert, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018(10)2965-2975.
C.B. Liu, H.C. Zhao, P.M. Hou, B. Qian, X. Wang, C.Y. Guo, L.P. Wang, Efficient graphene/cyclodextrin-based nanocontainer: synthesis and host-guest inclusion for self-healing anticorrosion application, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018(10)36229-36239.
J.H. Ding, H.R. Zhao, Y. Zheng, X.P. Zhao, H.B. Yu, A long-term anticorrsive coating through graphene passivation, Carbon, 2018(138)197-206.
Y.W. Hu, Y.X. Wang, Z.X. Zeng, H.C. Zhao, X.W. Ge, K. Wang, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, PEGlated graphene as nanoadditive for enhancing the tribological properties of water-based lubricant, Carbon, 2018(137)41-48.
Z.J. Liu, S.X. Zheng, Z.B. Lu, J.B. Pu, G.G. Zhang, Adhesive transfer at copper/diamond interface and adhesion reduction mechanism with fluorine passivation: A first-principles study, Carbon, 2018(127)548-556.
L.C. Guo, Z.Y. Zhang, H.Y. Sun, D. Dai, J.F. Cui, M.Z. Li, Y. Xu, M.S. Xu, Y.F. Du, N. Jiang, F. Huang, C.T. Lin, Direct formation of wafer-scale single-layer graphene films on the rough surface substrate by PECVD, Carbon, 2018(129)456-461.
J.H. Ding, H.R. Zhao, H.B. Yu, High-yield synthesis of extremely high concentrated and few-layered boron nitride nanosheet dispersions, 2D Materials, 2018,4(5) 045015.
M.J. Cui, S.M. Ren, H.C. Zhao, Q.J. Xue, L.P. Wang, Polydopamine coated graphene oxide for anticorrosive reinforcement of water-borne epoxy coating, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018(335)255-266.
Y.W. Ye, Z.Y. Liu, W. Liu, D.W. Zhang, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, X.G. Li, Superhydrophobic oligoaniline-containing electroactive silica coating as pre-process coating for corrosion protection of carbon steel, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018(348)940-951.
L. Wang, Y. Jian, X. Le, W. Lu, C. Ma, J Zhang, Y. Huang, C. Huang, T. Chen, Actuating and memorizing bilayer hydrogels for a self-deformed shape memory function, Chemical Communications, 2018,54(10)1229-1232.
Y. Liang, J. Shi, P. Xiao, J. He, F. Ni, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, C. Huang, T. Chen, A lotus-inspired janus hybrid film enabled by interfacial self-assembly and in situ asymmetric Modification, Chemical Communication, 2018,54(91),12804-12807.
L.J. Zhu, H.M. Song, C. Li, G. Wang, Z.X. Zeng, Q.J. Xue, Surface wormlike morphology control of polysulfone/poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) membranes by tuning the two-stage phase separation and their thermo-responsive permselectivity, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018(555)290-298.
H.M. Song, C. Chen, X.X. Shui, H. Yang, L.J. Zhu, Z.X. Zeng, Q.J. Xue, Asymmetric Janus membranes based on in situ mussel-inspired chemistry for efficient oil/water separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019(573)126-134.
J. Zheng, P. Xiao, X. Le, W. Lu, P. Theato, C. Ma, B. Du, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Chen, Mimosa inspired bilayer hydrogel actuator functioning in multi-environments, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6(6)1320-1327.
Y. Liang, P. Xiao, S. Wang, J. Shi, J. He, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Chen, Scalable fabrication of free-standing, stretchable CNT/TPE ultrathin composite films for skin adhesive epidermal electronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6(25)6666-6671.
Y.M. Wu, K. Ye, Z.D. Liu, M.J. Wang, K. W. A. Chee, C.T. Lin, N. Jiang. J.H. Yu, Effective thermal transport highway construction within dielectric polymer composites via a vacuum-assisted infiltration method, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018(6)6494-6501.
Y.P. Chen, X. Hou, R.Y. Kang, Y. Liang, L.C. Guo, W. Dai, K. Nishimura, C.T. Lin, N. Jiang, J.H. Yu, Highly flexible biodegradable cellulose nanofiber/graphene heat-spreader films with improved mechanical properties and enhanced thermal conductivity, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6(48)12739-12745.
Y.W. Ye, D.W. Zhang, J.Y. Li, T. Liu, J.B. Pu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, One-step synthesis of superhydrophobic polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-graphene oxide and its application in anti-corrosion and antiwear felds, Corrosion Science, 2019(147)9-21.
M.J. Cui, S.M. Ren, S.L. Qin, Q.J. Xue, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Processable poly(2-butylaniline)/fexagonal boron nitride nanohybrids for synergetic anticorrosive reinforcement of epoxy coating, Corrosion Science, 2018(131)187-198.
J. Shi, L. Zhang, P. Xiao, Y. Huang, P. Chen, X. Wang, J. Gu, J. Zhang, T. Chen, Biodegradable PLA nonwoven fabric with controllable wettability for efficient aater purification and photocatalysis degradation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018,6(2)2445-2452.
Y. Jian, X. Le, Y. Zhang, W. Lu, L. Wang, J. Zheng, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Chen, Shape memory hydrogels with simultaneously switchable fluorescence behavior, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2018(39)1800130.
X. Le, Y. Zhang, W. Lu, L. Wang, J. Zheng, I. Ali, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, M. Serpe, X. Yang, X. Fan, T. Chen, A novel anisotropic hydrogel with integrated self-deformation and controllable shape memory effect, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2018(39)1800019.
W. Lu, C. Ma, D. Zhang, X. Le, J. Zhang, Y. Huang, C. Huang, T. Chen, Real-time in situ investigation of supramolecular shape memory process by fluorescence switching, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018,122(17)9499-9506.
S.H. Zhou, F. Liu, J.Q. Wang, H.B. Lin, Q. Han, S.F. Zhao, C.Y. Tang, Janus membrane with unparalleled forward osmosis performance, Environmental Science &Technology Letters, 2019,6(2)79-85.
M.J. Cui, S.M. Ren , H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Novel nitrogen doped carbon dots for corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in 1?M HCl solution, Applied Surface Science, 2018(443)145-156.
X.Y. Chen, B.T. Zhang, Y.F. Gong, P. Zhou, H. Li, Mechanical properties of nanodiamond-reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying, Applied Surface Science, 2018(439)60-65.
D.W. Zhang, G. Wang, S.D. Zhi, K.L. Xu, L.J. Zhu, W.W. Li, Z.X. Zeng, Q.J. Xue, Superhydrophilicity and underwater superoleophobicity TiO2/Al2O3 composite membrane with ultra low oil adhesion for highly efficient oil-in-water emulsions separation, Applied Surface Science, 2018(458)157-165.
Y.W. Ye, H.C. Zhao, C.T. Wang, D.W. Zhang, H. Chen, W. Liu, Design of novel superhydrophobic aniline trimer modified siliceous material and its application for steel protection, Applied Surface Science, 2018(457)752-763.
K.D. Shang, S.X. Zheng, S.M. Ren, J.B. Pu, D.Q. He, S. Liu, Improving the tribological and corrosive properties of MoS2-based coatings by dual-doping and multilayer construction, Applied Surface Science, 2018(437)233-244.
H.J. Zhang, S.M. Ren, J.B. Pu, Q.J. Xue, Barrier mechanism of multilayers graphene coated copper against atomic oxygen irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 2018(444)28-35.
X.B. Bai, J.L. Li, L.H. Zhu, L.P. Wang, Effect of Cu content on microstructure, mechanical and anti-fouling properties of TiSiN-Cu coating deposited by multi-arc ion plating, Applied Surface Science, 2018(427)444-451.
J.J. Yu, W.J. Zhao, Y.H. Wu, D.L. Wang, R.T. Feng, Tribological properties of epoxy composite coatings reinforced with functionalized C-BN and H-BN nanofillers, Applied Surface Science, 2018(434)1311-1320.
W.T. Wu, W.J. Zhao, Y.H. Wu, C.X. Zhou, L.Y. Li, Z.X. Liu, J.D. Dong, K.H. Zhou, Antibacterial behaviors of Cu2O particles with controllable morphologies in acrylic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 2019(465)279-287.
D.Q. Zhao, X. Jiang, Y.X. Wang, W.S. Duan, L.P. Wang, Microstructure evolution, wear and corrosion resistance of CrC nanocomposite coatings in seawater, Applied Surface Science, 2018(457)914-924.
L. Huo, S.H. Wang, J.B. Pu, J.H. Sun, Z.B. Lu, P.F. Ju, L.P. Wang, Exploring the low friction of diamond-like carbon films in carbon dioxide atmosphere by experiments and first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 2018(436)893-899 .
F.L. Ma, J.L. Li, Z.X. Zeng, Y.M. Gao, Structural, mechanical and tribocorrosion behaviour in artificial seawater of CrN/AlN nano-multilayer coatings on F690 steel substrates, Applied Surface Science, 2018(428)404-414.
D.H. Wu, S.M. Ren, J.B. Pu, Z.B. Lu, G.G. Zhang, L.P. Wang, A comparative study of tribological characteristics of hydrogenated DLC film sliding against ceramic mating materials for helium applications, Applied Surface Science, 2018(441)884-894.
J.H. Ding, H.R. Zhao, H.B. Yu, A water-based green approach to large-scale production of aqueous compatible graphene nanoplatelets, Scientific Reports, 2018(8)5567.
H.R. Zhao, J.H. Ding, H.B. Yu, Variation of mechanical and thermal properties in sustainable graphene oxide/epoxy composites, Scientific Reports, 2018(8)16560.
T. Wang, M.J. Wang, L. Fu, Z.H. Duan, Y.P. Chen, X. Hou, Y.M. Wu, S.Y. Li, L.C. Guo, R.Y. Kang, N. Jiang, J.H. Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of polyimide composites with boron nitride nanosheets, Scientific Reports, 2018(8)1557.
P. Guo, R.D. Chen, L.L. Sun, X.W. Li, P.L. Ke, Q.J. Xue, A.Y. Wang, Bulk-limited electrical behaviors in metal/hydrogenated diamond-like carbon/metal devices, Applied Physics Letters, 2018(112)033502.
Z. Xiong, T.T. Li, F. Liu, H.B. Lin, Y. Zhong, Q.A. Meng, Q.L. Fang, H.B. Saki, W.J. Song, Chinese knot inspired Ag nanowire membrane for robust separation in water remediation, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2018(1800183)1-10.
W.J. Hou, Y. Liu, B.T. Zhang, X.Y. He, H. Li, Adsorption-associated orientational changes of immunoglobulin G and regulated phagocytosis of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2018(00A)1-12.
X.Y. He, L. Abdoli, H. Li, Participation of copper ions in formation of alginate conditioning layer: Evolved structure and regulated microbial adhesion, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018(162)220-227.
L.J. Zhu, H.M. Song, G. Wang, Z.X. Zeng , Q.J. Xue, Dual stimuli-responsive polysulfone membranes with interconnected networks by a vapor-liquid induced phase separation strategy, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018(531)585-592.
T. Li, F. Liu, H.B. Lin, Z. Xiong, H.Wang, Y. Zhong, L.C. Xiang, A.G. Wu, Fabrication of anti-fouling, anti-bacterial and non-clotting PVDF membranes through one step “outside-in” interface segregation strategy, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018(517)93-103.
S.D. Zhi, G. Wang, Z.X. Zeng, L.J. Zhu , Z.X. Liu, D.W. Zhang, K.L. Xu, Q.J. Xue, 3D mossy structures of zinc filaments: A facile strategy for superamphiphobic surface design, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018(526)106-113.
L.J. Zhu, H.M. Song, G. Wang, Z.X. Zeng, C.T. Zhao, Q.J. Xue, X.P. Guo, Microstructures and performances of pegylated polysulfone membranes from an in situ synthesized solution via vapor induced phase separation approach, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018(515)152-159.
L. Li, P. Guo, L.L. Liu, X.W. Li, P.L. Ke, A.Y. Wang, Structural design of Cr/GLC films for high tribological performance in artificial seawater: Cr/GLC ratio and multilayer structure, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018(34)1273-1280.
M. Moradi, Z.L. Song, T. Xiao, Exopolysaccharide produced by Vibrio neocaledonicus sp.as a green corrosion inhibitor: Production and structural characterization, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018(34)2447-2457.
H.R. Zhao, J.H. Ding, H.B. Yu, The efficient exfoliation and dispersion of hBN nanoplatelets: advanced application to waterborne anticorrosion coatings, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018(42)14433-14443.
O. Rahman, S.B. Shi, J.H. Ding, D.L. Wang, S. Ahmad, H.B. Yu, Lignin nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and corrosion protection performance, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018(42)3415-3425.
P. Du, S.H. Qiu, C.B. Liu, G.Z. Liu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, In situ polymerization of sulfonated polyaniline in layered double hydroxide host matrix for corrosion protection layered double hydroxide host matrix for corrosion protection, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018(42)4201-4209.
S.G. Zhou, Y.M. Wu, W.J. Zhao, J.J. Yu, F.W. Jiang, L.Q. Ma, Comparative corrosion resistance of graphene sheets with different structures in waterborne epoxy coatings, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018(556)273-283.
L. Abdoli, C.H. Guo, X.Y. Chen, X.Y. He, H. Li, Defined hydrodynamic shear stresses influence the adhesion behaviors of marine Bacillus sp. on stainless steel in artificial seawater, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018(553)503-508.
Y.H. Wu, X.Y. Zhu, W.J. Zhao, Y.J. Wang, C.T. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Corrosion mechanism of graphene coating with different defect levels, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019(777)135-144.
R. Ding , Y. Zheng , H.B. Yu, W.H. Li, X. Wang, T.J. Gui, Study of water permeation dynamics and anti-corrosion mechanism of graphene/zinc coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(5)748.
S.H. Qiu, G. Liu, W. Li, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Noncovalent exfoliation of graphene and its multifunctional composite coating with enhanced anticorrosion and tribological performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(747)60-70.
K.M. Jiang, D.Q. Zhao, X. Jiang, Y. Li, Electronic-structure, corrosion and mechanical properties of nc-CrC/a-C:H films deposited by multi-arc ion plating, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(750)560-569.
Y.B. Zhu, M.P. Dong, K.K. Chang, J.L. Li, L.P. Wang, Prolonged anti-bacterial action by sluggish release of Ag from TiSiN/Ag multilayer coating, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019(783)164-172.
J.Z. Liu, X. Zuo, Z.Y. Wang, L. Wang , X.C. Wu , P.L. Ke, A.Y. Wang, Fabrication and mechanical properties of high purity of Cr2AlC coatings by adjustable Al contents, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(753)11-17.
Z.Y. Zhang, J.F. Cui, B. Wang, Z.G. Wang, R.K. Kang, D.M. Guo, A novel approach of mechanical chemical grinding, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018(726)514-524.
M.J. Zhai, Y. Liu, J. Huang, Y.Q. Wang, K. Chen, Y.Y. Fu, H. Li, Efficient suspension plasma spray fabrication of black titanium dioxide coatings with visible light absorption performances, Ceramics International, 2019(45)930-935.
X. Jiang, D.Q. Zhao, Y.X. Wang, W.S. Duan, L.P. Wang, Toward hard yet tough VC coating via modulating compressive stress and nanostructure to enhance its protective performance in seawater, Ceramics International, 2019(45)1049-1057.
Y.B. Shi, Z.B. Cai, J.B. Pu, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Interfacial molecular deformation mechanism for low friction of MoS2 determined using ReaxFF-MD simulation, Ceramics International, 2019(45)2258-2265.
Z.B. Cai, J.B. Pu, X. Lu, X. Jiang, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Improved tribological property of VN film with the design of pre-oxidized layer, Ceramics International, 2019,45(5)6051-6057.
D.Q. He, X. Li, J.B. Pu, L.P. Wang, G.G. Zhang, Z.B. Lu, W.S. Li, Q.J. Xue, Improving the mechanical and tribological properties of TiB2/a-C nanomultilayers by structural optimization, Ceramics International, 2018,44(3)3356-3363.
K. Liu, G.G. Zhang, J.B. Pu, F. Ma, G.Z. Wu, Z.B. Lu, Impermeability of boron nitride defect-sensitive monolayer with atomic-oxygen-healing ability, Ceramics International, 2018,44(12)13888-13893.
X.Y. He, Y. Liu, X.Q. Bai, C.Q. Yuan, H. Li, Alginate/albumin in incubation solution mediates the adhesion and biofilm formation of typical marine bacteria and algae, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018(139)25-32.
S.Q. Sun, Y.X. Wang, X.J. Lu, X. Lu, C.L. Mao, Z.X. Zeng, Q.J. Xue, Achieving excellent tribological performance of a-C: WC film by controlling sub-nano-structure, Tribology International, 2018(128)65-74.
L.J. Fang, J. Huang, Y. Liu, B.T. Zhang, H. Li. Cored-wire arc spray fabrication of novel aluminium-copper coatings for anti-corrosion/fouling hybrid performances, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019(357)794-801.
C.C. Kong, P. Guo, L.L. Sun, Y. Zhou, Y.X. Liang, X.W. Li, P.L. Ke, K.R. Lee, A.Y. Wang, Tribological mechanism of diamond-like carbon films induced by Ti/Al co-doping, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018(342)167-177.
M.J. Cui, S.M. Ren, S.H. Qiu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Q.J. Xue, Non-covalent functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes filled epoxy composites: Effect on corrosion protection and tribological performance, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018(340)74-85.
Q. Cai, S.X. Li, J.B. Pu, X.B. Bai, H.X. Wang, Z.B. Cai, X.Z. Wang, Corrosion resistance and antifouling activities of silver-doped CrN coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coating Technology, 2018(354)194-202.
Z.D. Liu, Y.P. Chen, W. Dai, Y.M. Wu, M.J. Wang, X. Hou, H. Li, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, J.H. Yu, Anisotropic thermal conductive properties of cigarette filter-templated graphene/epoxy composites, RSC Advances, 2018(8)1065-1070.
F. Nan, K.H. Zhou, S. Liu, J.B. Pu, Y.H. Fang, W.X. Ding, Tribological properties of attapulgite/La2O3 nanocomposite as lubricant additive for a steel/steel contact, RSC Advances, 2018(8)16947-16956.
S. Tian, Z.X. Liu, L.L. Shen, J.B. Pu, W.Q. Liu, X.F. Sun, Z.M. Lu, Performance evaluation of mercapto functional hybrid silica sol-gel coating and its synergistic effect with f-GNs for corrosion protection of copper surface, RSC Advances, 2018(8)7438-7449.
L.C. Guo, Z.Y. Zhang, R.Y. Kang, Y.P. Chen, X. Hou, Y.M. Wu, M.J. Wang, B. Wang, J.F. Cui, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, J.H. Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites filled with tetrapod-shaped ZnO, RSC Advances, 2018(8)12337-12343.
Anticorrosive behavior of a zinc-rich epoxy coating containing sulfonated polyaniline in 3.5% NaCl solution, RSC Advances, 2018(8)13237-13247. F. Yang, T. Liu, J.Y. Li, S.H. Qiu, H.C. Zhao
B. Chen, J.Y. Li, T. Liu, Z.D. Dai, H.C. Zhao, Facile preparation of epoxy based elastomers with tunable Tgs and mechanical properties, RSC Advances, 2018(8)13474-13481.
B. Yu, K. Wang, Y.W. Hu, F. Nan, J.B. Pu, H.C. Zhao, P.F. Ju, Tribological properties of synthetic base oil containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane grafted graphene oxide, RSC Advances, 2018(8)23606-23614.
S.L. Qin, M.J. Cui, S.H. Qiu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, A.F. Zhang, Dopamine@nanodiamond as novel reinforcing nanofillers for polyimide with enhanced thermal, mechanical and wear resistance performance, RSC Advances, 2018,8(7)3694-3704.
Y. Liu, X.Q. Shao, J. Huang, H. Li, Flame sprayed environmentally friendly high density polyethylene (HDPE)–capsaicin composite coatings for marine antifouling applications, Materials Letters, 2019(238)46-50.
W.T. Wu, W.J. Zhao, L.Y. Li, Y.J. Wang, Y.H. Wu, Simple fabrication of copper surfaces with tunable wettability and multi-level structures via one-step method, Materials Letters, 2019(235)212-215.
Z. Wang, Q.K. Zhang, P.S. Guo, X. Gao, L.J. Yang, Z.L. Song, Effects of laser surface remelting on microstructure and properties of biodegradable Zn-Zr alloy, Materials Letters, 2018(226)52-54.
H.M. Song, L.J. Zhu, Z.X. Zeng, Q.J. Xue, High performance forward osmosis cellulose acetate (CA) membrane modified by polyvinyl alcohol and polydopamine, Journal of Polymer Research, 2018(25)159.
Y. Liu, X.M. Xu, X.K. Suo, Y.F. Gong, H. Li, Suspension flame spray construction of polyimide-copper layers for marine antifouling applications, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2018(27)98-105.
X.Y. He, K. Ren, Y. Liu, J. Huang, H. Li, Hollow plasma-sprayed spherical nanostructured titania feedstock for photocatalytic applications, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2018(27)1532-1541.
Y.T. Xu, B.T. Zhang, S.Z. Wu, Y. Liu, X.K. Suo, H. Li, Enhanced lubricant property of flame-sprayed aluminum coatings additivated by reduced graphene oxide nanosheets, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2018(27)1643-1651.
Y.P. Wu, J. Dong, R. Yuan, H.Q. Wan, L. Chen, J.L. Li, H.D. Zhou, J.M. Chen, Investigate on mechanical and tribological properties of solution styrene butadiene and butadiene rubber composites, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2018(29)2674-2682.
H.R. Zhao, J.H. Ding, H.B. Yu, Phosphorylated boron nitride nanosheets as highly effective barrier property enhancers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018,57 (42)14096-14105.
H.R. Zhao, J.H. Ding, H.B. Yu, Advanced bio-based UV-curable anticorrosive coatings reinforced by hBN, Chemistry Select, 2018,3(40)11277-11283 .
C.B. Liu, P. Du, F. Nan, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Dual functions of imidazole-based polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) on the anticorrosive performance of graphene-based waterborne epoxy coatings, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)024004.
Y.J. Wang, W.J. Zhao, Y.H. Wu, G. Liu, X.D. Wu, Micro/nano-structures transition and electrochemical response of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in simulated seawater, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)034009.
S.H. Qiu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Facile preparation of soluble poly(2-aminothiazole)-based composite coating for enhanced corrosion protection in 3.5% NaCl solution, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)034007.
X.M. Xie, J.L. Li, M.P. Dong, H.H. Zhang, L.P. Wang, Structure and properties of TiSiCN coatings with different bias voltages by arc ion plating, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)014003.
J.J. Yu, W.J. Zhao, G. Liu, Y.M. Wu, D.L. Wang, Anti-corrosion mechanism of two-dimensional nanosheet materials in waterborne epoxy coatings, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)034019.
S.M. Ren, M.J. Cui, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Effect of nitrogen-doped carbon dots on the anticorrosion properties of waterborne epoxy coatings, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018,6(2)024003.
H.X. Wang, Y.W. Ye, C.T. Wang, G.G. Zhang, W. Liu, Silicon content design of CrSiN films for good anticorrosion and anti-wear performances in NaOH solution, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)024001.
P. Du, C.B. Liu, S.H. Qiu, G.Z. Liu, H.C. Zhao, Surface modification of Mg/Al layered double hydroxide by camphorsulfonic acid doped polyaniline and its applications for anticorrosive coating, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)034012.
D.Q. Zhao, W.D. Ling, X. Jiang, W.S. Duan, L.P. Wang, Improving tribological and anti-corrosion properties of 316L stainless steel in multi-environment by carbon-rich CrC nanocomposite coating, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)034018.
Y.W. Ye, S.J. Jia, D.W. Zhang, W. Liu, H.C. Zhao, A study for anticorrosion and tribological behaviors of thin/thick diamond-like carbon flms in seawater, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2018(6)014004.
J.L. Li, R. Wang, Y.X. Wang, L.P. Wang, Anti-oxidant mechanism of TiAlN/SiN decorative films on borosilicate glass by magnetron sputtering, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018(96)1563-1569.
Y. Zhang, X. Le, W. Lu, Y. Jian, J. Zhang, T. Chen, An “off-the-shelf” shape memory hydrogel based on the dynamic borax-diol ester bonds, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2018,303(7)1800144.
I. Ali, L. Chen, Y. Huang, L. Song, X. Lu, B. Liu,L. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Hou, T. Chen, Humidity-responsive gold aerogel for real-time monitoring of human breath, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2018,34(16)4908-4913.
Y.H. Wu, W.J. Zhao, J.J. Yu, Q.J. Xue, Influence of the self-sealing layer on the corrosion of anodic aluminum oxide films, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018(1)5142-5147.
C.B. Liu, P. Du, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Synthesis of L-histidine-attached graphene nanomaterials and their application for steel protection, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018(1)1385-1395.
S.Y. Li, B.S. Hou, D. Dai, S.C. Shu, M.L. Wu, A. Li, Y. Han, Z.X. Zhu, B.A. Chen, Y. Ding, Q. Zhang, Q. Wang, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, CVD synthesis of monodisperse graphene/Cu microparticles with high corrosion resistance in Cu etchant, Materials, 2018(11)1459.
J.Y. Gao, Q.L. Yuan , C. Ye, P. Guo, SY. Du, G.S. Lai, A.M. Yu, N. Jiang, L. Fu, C.T. Lin, K.W.A. Chee, Label-free electrochemical detection of vanillin through low-defect graphene electrodes modified with Au nanoparticles, Materials, 2018,11 (489)1-8.
X.Q. Liu, C. Ye, X.Q. Li, N.Y. Cui, T.Z. Wu, S.Y. Du, Q.P. Wei, L. Fu, J.C. Yin, C.T. Lin, Highly sensitive and selective potassium ion detection based on graphene hall effect biosensors, Materials, 2018(11)399.
Z.H. Sun, M. Moradi , Y.X. Chen, R. Bagheri, P. Guo, L.J. Yang, Z.L. Song, C. Xu, Simulation of the marine environment using bioreactor for investigation of 2507 duplex stainless steel corrosion in the presence of marine isolated Bacillus Vietnamensis bacterium, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018(208)149-156.
S.L. Qin, S.H. Qiu, M.J. Cui, ZD. Dai, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Synthesis and properties of polyimide nanocomposite containing dopamine-modified graphene oxide, High Performance Polymers, 2019,31(1)331-340.
B. Chen, J.Y. Li, X.Y. Li, T. Liu, Z.D. Dai , H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Achieving high thermal and mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites via incorporation of dopamine interfaced clay, Polymer Composites, 2018(39)E2408-E2414.
S.L. Qin, M.J. Cui, Z.D. Dai, S.H. Qiu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, A.F. Zhang, Noncovalent functionalized graphene filled polyimides with improved thermal, mechanical and wear resistance properties, Tribology Letters, 2018,66(2)69.
R.H. Zhang, J. Zhao, J.B. Pu, Z.B. Lu, First-principles investigation on the tribological properties of h-BN bilayer under variable load, Tribology letters, 2018,66(124) 1-7.
J.H. Sun, Y.N. Zhang, Y.Q. Feng, Z.B. Lu, Q.J. Xue, S.Y. Du, L.P. Wang, How vertical compression triggers lateral interlayer slide for metallic molybdenum disulfide?, Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(1)21.
C.Q. Dang, Y.R. Yao, T. Olugbade, J.L. Li, L.P. Wang, Effect of multi-interfacial structure on fracture resistance of composite TiSiN/Ag/TiSiN multilayer coating, Thin Solid Films, 2018(653)107-112.
H.X. Wang, Y.W. Ye, Y.X. Wang, Structure, corrosion, and tribological properties of CrSiN coatings with various Si contents in 3.5% NaCl solution, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2018,50(4)471-479.
J. Song, Z.D. Dai, F. Nan, J.Y. Li, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, Polydopamine-decorated boron nitride as nano-reinforcing fillers for epoxy resin with enhanced thermomechanical and tribological properties, Materials Research Express, 2018,5(7)075029.
Y.M. Wu, L. Q. Ma, S.G. Zhou, W.J. Zhao, L. Ouyang, Effect of methane flow rate on microstructure and tribological properties of (Cu, Ce)/Ti co-doped DLC films fabricated via reactive magnetron sputtering technology, Materials Research Express, 2018(5)076405.
F. Yang, T. Liu, J.Y. Li, H.C. Zhao, Long term corrosion protection of epoxy coating containing, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2018(13)6843- 6857.
M.J. Cui, J.D. Dong, K.H. Zhou, Y.H. Fang, J.B. Pu, H.C. Zhao, Y.G. Wang, L.P. Wang, Corrosion protection of water-borne epoxy coatings incorporated with grapheme, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2018(13)12010-12023.
Y.W. Ye, W. Liu, Z.Y. Liu, D.W. Zhang, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, X.G. Li, Anti-corrosion performance of aniline trimer-containing sol-gel hybrid coatings for mild steel substrate, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2018(87)464-477.
J. Song, Z.D. Dai, J.Y. Li, X. Tong , H.C. Zhao, Dopamine-modified nanographite as reinforcing filler for epoxy nanocomposite, Journal of Composite Materials, 2019,53(12)1671-1679.
Y.X. Wang, L.L. Shang, G.G. Zhang, Z.X. Zeng, L.P. Wang, C.L. Mao, X.J. Lu, S.J. Chen, Q.J. Xue, Multi-phase carbonaceous coating with super wear resistance, Vacuum, 2018(157)442-446.
C.Q. Dang, T. Olugbade, S.F. Fan, H.T. Zhang, L.B. Gao, J.L. Li, Y. Lu, Direct quantification of mechanical responses of TiSiN/Ag multilayer coatings through uniaxial compression of micropillars, Vacuum, 2018(156)310-316.
F.W. Jiang, W.J. Zhao, Y.M. Wu , J.D. Dong , K.H. Zhou, G.M. Lu, J.B. Pu, Anti-corrosion behaviors of epoxy composite coatings enhanced via graphene oxide with different aspect ratios, Progress in Organic coatings, 2019(127)70-79.
Z. Wang, X.Y. Chen, Y.F. Gong, X.Y. He, Y.K. Wei, H. Li, Tribocorrosion behaviours of cold-sprayed diamond–Cu composite coatings in artificial sea water, Surface Engineering, 2018,34(5)392-398.
J.L. Lyu, S.L. Wang, B. Wang, K. Nishimura, N. Jiang, Synthesis of multiple single crystal diamonds by DC-GD-CVD, Surface Engineering, 2019, 35(1)91-95.
Y.M. Wu, S.G. Zhou , W.J. Zhao, L. Ouyang, Comparative corrosion resistance properties between (Cu, Ce)-DLC and Ti co-doped (Cu, Ce)/Ti-DLC films prepared via magnetron sputtering method, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018(705)50-58.
S.Z. Wu, B.T. Zhang, Y. Liu, X.K. Suo, H. Li, Influence of surface topography on bacterial adhesion: A review (Review), Biointerphases, 2018,13 (060801)1-10.
X.K. Suo, S. Yin, H. Li, R. Lupoi, Numerical and experimental investigation on bonding behavior of cold sprayed porous WC-17Co particles onto different substrates, Coatings, 2018,8(367)1-9.
X.W. Li, A.Y. Wang, K.R. Lee, Comparison of empirical potentials for calculationg structural properties of amorphous carbon films by molecular dynamics simulations, Computational Materials Science, 2018(151)246-254.
Y.W. Ye, D.W. Zhang, Z.Y. Liu, W. Liu, H.C. Zhao, L.P. Wang, X.G. Li, Anti-corrosion properties of oligoaniline modified silica hybrid coatings for low-carbon steel, Synthetic Metals, 2018(235)61-70.
H. Bai, C. Xue, J.L. Lyu, J. Li, G.X. Chen, J.H. Yu, C.T. Lin, D.J. Lv, L.M. Xiong, Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of flake graphite/copper composite with a boron carbide-boron nano-layer on graphite surface, Composites: Part A, 2018(106)42-51.
M.J. Wang, Z.Y. Jiao, Y.P. Chen, X. Hou, L. Fu, Y.M. Wu, S.Y. Li, N. Jiang, J.H. Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/boron nitride nanosheet composites at low filler content, Composites: Part A, 2018(109)321-329.
L.Y. Li, J.F. Zhu, S.D. Zhi, E.Y. Liu, G. Wang, Z.X. Zeng, W.J. Zhao, Q.J.Xue, Study of adhesion and friction drag on a rough hydrophobic surface: Sandblasted aluminum, Physics of Fluids, 2018(30)071903.
Y.Y. Fu, X.Y. Chen, B.T. Zhang, Y.F. Gong, H.J. Zhang, H. Li, Fabrication of nanodiamond reinforced aluminum composite coatings by flame spraying for marine applications, Materials Today Communications, 2018(17)46-52.
Y.P. Chen, J.Y. Gao, Q.W. Yan, X. Hou, S.C. Shu, M.L. Wu, N. Jiang, X.M. Li, J.B. Xu, C.T. Lin, J.H. Yu, Advances in graphene-based polymer composites with high thermal conductivity, Veruscript Functional Nanomaterials, 2018(2)1-17.
D.Y. Shen, M.J. Wang, Y.M. Wu, Z.D. Liu, Y. Cao, T. Wang, X.F. Wu, Q.T. Shi, K. W.A. Chee, W. Dai, H. Bai, D. Dai, J.L. Lyu, N. Jiang, C.T. Lin, J.H. Yu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites with core-shell SiC@SiO2 nanowires, High Voltage, 2018,2(3)154-160.
李汉超,刘盼盼,孙丽丽,柯培玲,崔平,汪爱英,金属催化非晶碳转化制备石墨烯方法的研究进展,《无机材料学报》,2018, 33(6)587-595.
李蕾,郭鹏,刘林林,孙丽丽,柯培玲,汪爱英,金属过渡层类型对非晶碳膜结构性能的影响,《无机材料学报》,2018, 33(3)331-338.
魏菁,李汉超,柯培玲,汪爱英,不同厚度四面体非晶碳薄膜的高通量制备及表征,《无机材料学报》,2018, 33(11)1173-1178.
孙尚琪,王永欣,路小江,刘翔,李金龙,王立平,乳化液环境中WC/a-C:H薄膜摩擦行为的研究,《摩擦学学报》,2018, 38(5)554-561.
商克栋,郑韶先,鞠鹏飞,蒲吉斌,张广安,王立平,薛群基,南海海洋大气环境二硫化钼纳米多层薄膜摩擦学行为研究,《摩擦学学报》,2018, 38, 417-429.
沈路力,彭叔森,王刚,曾志翔,乌学东,巯基有机硅溶胶-凝胶涂层对铜合金H90 的腐蚀防护性能研究,《表面技术》,2018,47(10)30-36.
张大为,米世超,付超,陈军君,支树迪,王刚,曾志翔,王立平,薛群基,纤维素/陶瓷复合膜的制备及油水分离性能研究,《表面技术》,2017, 46(11)22-28.
张栋,陈仁德,智理,柯培玲,汪爱英,高透光氧化硅涂层的低温制备及微观结构调整,《表面技术》,2018, 47(8)1-7.
陈科锋,方云辉,周开河,李鹏,管金胜,蔡辉,涂齐勇,张兆德,蒲吉斌,刘栓,王立平,石墨烯导电防腐涂料的制备和性能评价研究,《表面技术》,2018, 47(12)1-9.
王丽,郭鹏,左潇,张栋,黄美东,柯培玲,汪爱英,基体偏压对HiPIMS制备非晶碳膜结构和光电性能的影响,《材料研究学报》,2018, 32(4)283-289.
郭有志,孙丽丽,郭鹏,柯培玲,李强,汪爱英,自组织梯度分层结构金属掺杂类金刚石薄膜的制备及其性能研究,《真空科学与技术学报》,2018, 39(9)764-771.
鞠鹏飞,王海新,蒲吉斌,王立平,空间部件表面Ti/MoS2润滑涂层性能研究,《真空科学与技术学报》,2018, 38(10)901-905.
孙尚琪,刘 翔,王永欣,王立平,薛群基,溅射能量对WC/a-C:H薄膜结构与性能的影响,《中国有色金属学报》,2018, 28(5)955-963.
陈科锋,张兆德,胡家元,钱洲亥,周开河,戚浩金,方云辉,蒲吉斌,刘栓,电网接地材料在土壤浸出液中的腐蚀行为研究,《材料保护》,2018, 51(12)12-17.
崔明君,任思明,樊小强,张广安,王立平,薛群基,调制比对多层DLC涂层摩擦及电化学行为的影响,《机械工程学报》,2018, 54(6)25-31.
吴宇明,虞锦洪,曹勇,李双艺,王梦杰,江南,高导热低填充量聚合物基复合材料研究进展,《复合材料学报》,2018, 35(4)51-57.
董敏鹏,吴国东,李金龙,马付良,王志军,Ti6Al4V合金表面渗氮层的组织、耐摩擦和耐腐蚀性能,《材料热处理学报》,2018, 39(10)87-92.
彭晚军,丁纪恒,陈浩,余海斌,生物基缓蚀剂糠醇缩水甘油醚的缓蚀性能及机理,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》,2018, 38(3)303-308.
李双艺,李爱军,戴丹,刘颖,吴宇明,白华,林正得,江南,石墨烯/铜复合材料的制备及其性能与应用,《功能材料》,2018, 48(9)9043-9051.
丁纪恒,Obaidur Rahman,豆慧敏,彭晚军,汪巧蕾,陈浩,余海斌,生物基六方氮化硼分散液在环氧复合材料中的应用,《功能材料》,2018, 1(49),01156-01162.
马洪兵,白华,薛晨,褚伍波,吕继磊,江南,镀硼金刚石-金属基复合材料的制备及其性能研究,《硬质合金》,2018, 34(5)314-319.
丁锐,郑艳,余海斌,石墨烯环氧富锌70%涂层的电化学研究,《涂料工业》,2017, 8,1-14,
汪巧蕾,丁纪恒,余海斌,苏胜培,Lignin/EVA复合材料的相容改性研究,《精细化工中间体》,2018, 4 (48) 51-56.